
Tuesday, January 20, 2004

01. I am a leo.
02. I have taken violin lessons.
03. I'm never satisfied with myself.
04. I want to marry a certain someone.
05. I wish i could play the guitar.
06. I have never had a serious girlfriend. what.. it's true!
07. I haven't seen enough movies.
08. I have stayed happy as of late.
09. I hate driving without a drink in my hand.
10. I think I can sing.
11. I wish I knew when to keep trying on hw.
12. I have many siblings.
13. I don't know anything about Nickelback.
14. I never wanted to learn how to play the piano.
15. I wear contacts/glasses.
16. I like jelly beans.
17. My life could be better.
18. I wonder what I'll be doing at this time next year.
19. I feel like i'll graduate highschool.
20. My favorite color is purple.
21. I can say many words in French. Je parle francais trés bien.
22. I do things to make other people happy.
23. I want to live in Europe and Canadia for a while when I'm done with school.
24. I hate using car cup holders.
25. I have moderate/advanced ADD.
26. I read everyone's away messages and profiles.
27. I am indecisive.
28. I am wary of constructive criticism.
29. Butterflies and dragonflies make me nervous.
30. I am a procrastionator to the extreme.
31. I am be a god every day.
32. I fluxuate my manners depending on who's around.
33. I am a partial insomniac.
34. I prefer sleeping with friends talking quietly around me.
35. I am too unknowing of culture and society a lot of the time.
36. I am shy.
37. I greatly care about someone who isn’t my girlfriend.
38. I am kindof obsessed with music.
39. Friends will always hold a special place in my heart.
40. I wash my face every night & morning.
41. I don't get paid at work because I don't at work.
42. I wish everything could be beautiful like a movie.
43. I love stars.
44. I get upset about trivial things.
45. The sky amuses me.
46. I used Raid on the spelling bee champ in elementary school.
47. I am neurotic at times.
48. I am one with nature.
49. I am uninterested with any sport but soccer.
50. People take me for insane.
51. Most seasons make me feel comfortable.
52. I cannot paint.
53. Ridiculously ignorant people make me nervous.
54. Purple is a comforting color to me.
55. I love cream soda, and never drink it.
56. I used to be the British kid that people made fun of in elementary school.
57. I talk in my sleep all the time.
58. I DO NOT need to meet new people.
59. I make my own decent life.
60. What the fuck is Jude Law.
61. I have a very-functional gag reflex.
62. I have been moved to the brink of tears by few movies I've watched.
63. I am getting half-decent at console games.
64. I think about who will be at my funeral regularly.
65. I've never been to NYC.
66. I like my birthday, it's 'my day.'
67. I'm glad I'm smart enough to not be a vegetarian.
68. I'm glad i never bought Jnco jeans.
69. I am addicted to lemonsalt.
70. I can stand not being productive when I am bored.
71. I run out of witty comebacks too often.
72. My mom has never slapped me in the face.
73. I have never been in a serious physical fight.
74. I would prefer not to stay at home all day.
75. I am obsessed with purple colors.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

1) What is your name? Em
(2) Are you happy with it? yup
(3) Are you named after anyone? King Cnut's (the guy who tried to stop the tide coming in to prove that he wasnt a god just cuz he was king.. way way back in like 1000BC) glorious wise loving wife Emma.... heh. no. nobody. (but his wife was called Emma)
(4) Are you a prostitute: er... no.
(5) Your screenname: Loweaugen
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? NO! MY NAME! MINE!
(7) Then what would you name your children? er.. let's see.. i'm partial to the names alyssia, anakara, and sean
(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? my mom wanted her kids to have E names.. so i would have had something weird.. like egbert or ethelred or eugene
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? i wouldnt
(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? Ema Hadcraft/Hodcraft
(11)Would you drop your last name if you became famous? why not? that'd be cool. i'd finally be THE Emma
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(12) Your gender: female
(13) Straight/gay/bi? straight
(14) Single? yes there's only one of me thanks, i dont want no clones
(15) Want to be? the creater of EmOS and overthrower of BIll Gates' evil empire who lives on a cruise ship and makes millions, building computers and doing cardiac operations on celebrities in her free time. *bows*
(16) Your birth date: July 28 1986 yER! fuckin hell.. i'm only like 3 months older than frank (whom i stole this thing from) I'M SO YOUNG!! *cries*
(17) Your age: 17.. i'm so young! *cries*
(18) Age you act: like 7 or something..
(19) Age you wish you were: either like 10 or 18. care-free or legally-free, either works, heh.
(20) Your height: 5' 5... I'M SO SHORT!! *cries*
(21) The color of your eyes: green luvly
(22) Happy with it? mm yes i like my eyes
(23) The color of your hair: brown
(24) Happy with it? i wish it was a bit less split-endy.. but i love it
(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? right
(26) Your living arrangement?arg. go check my mom's lawyer's file cabinet.....
(27) Your family: USA: mom, LA, libby (stepsisters: amber natalie rachel) UK: dad, Liz, kenneth, alice, heather
(28) Have any pets? Lady = dog, Lisa = cat, Frontier Psychiatrist = red snapper
(29) What's your job? being obnoxious
(30) Piercings? ears.. soon to be belly-button
(31) Tattoos? someday...
(32) Obsessions? sparklies, shinies, lemonsalt, taco bell, purple
(33) Addictions? aim, internet, lemonsalt
(35) Do you speak another language? je parle en peu francais.
(36) Have a favorite quote? AHHHH MOTHERLAND!; dubleyoo tee eff mate?; porkchop sandwiches!; just flip it, stick it, see ya lata, bye!; i am a banana!; i live in a giant bucket...; my anus is bleeding!; tuesday's coming, did you bring your coat?; all your base are belong to us!
(37) Do you have a webpage? what exactly do you think you just linked from?
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DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
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(38) Do you live in the moment? i think i do a good job of living in the moment and ensuring i have a future
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? not at all. i hate people.
(40) Do you have any secrets? indeedy
(41) Do you hate yourself? everybody does sometimes
(42) Do you like your handwriting? OH GOD I HATE IT
(43) Do you have any bad habits? i grind my teeth and kill small annoying children
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people? procrastination, laziness, not taking their advice, being weird
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? Emma the Great Strikes Again
(46) What's your biggest fear? tp be abandoned
(47) Can you sing? i love singing, but i'm not very good
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? once i tricked this guy to think i had an identical twin called Emily who was in an A day class and I, Emma, was in a B day class with him. it was great. he believed it till he changed schools. (this was last year)
(49) Are you a loner? i used to be, but i'm not alone enough to qualify now : P
(50) What are your no. 1 priorities in life? friends. happiness. me. future.
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i'd probably try and kill myself.. but so would the other me.. so we'd be constantly out to get each other with bombs and things
(52) Are you a daredevil? depends on the risk.. i wont do something like motorbike off of niagra falls
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? a few things
(54) Are you passive or aggressive? aggressive
(55) Have you got a journal? again, what you just linked from
(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness? strength - fiercely loyal, weakness - stubborn (those are two different words for the same thing almost : P )
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i really dont like my fingers
(58) there are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. Which do you drink from? eh.. i feel happy with my share of all three but i guess i could always use some extra creativity for writing college essays...
(59) How do you vent? putting babies on spikes
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong? not sure
(61) Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? regrets arent much use. i should take my own advice.. hm..
(62) Do you think life has been good so far? it could be way worse!! yea
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? life just keeeeeps on goin
(64) What do you like the most about your body? probably my eyes or something
(65) And least? fingers
(66) Do you think you re good looking? i'm happy with myself
(67) Are you confident? yea. i'd say so
(70) Are you perceived wrongly? all the fuckin time!!
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(71) Smoke? yes! and having my voicebox. tongue, and jaw removed was so much fun! (no..)
(72) Do drugs? yes! and catching HIV while effectively killing all my brain cells was so much fun! (no..)
(73) Read the newspaper? the life&arts and the front page
(74) Pray? sometimes
(75) Go to church? not anymore, i do things my own way
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? i know they're all out to get me......
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? yes! my beloved mouse
(78) Take walks in the rain? mmm yes
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? not really. usually i just put them on a spike.. muahahahah!! no.. i'm far too shy for that.. usually i just plot maniacly behind their back...
(80) Drive? YES!!!! I AM SO DAMN COOL
(81) Like to drive fast? yes.. but i resist.. and blame it all on riding with my dad, who goes a constant 90mph

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(82) Liked your voice? the british version
(83) Hurt yourself? good lord, i'm not infallible.. gravity affects me too y'know!
(84) Been out of the country, where? england, mexico, puerto rico, tortola (& other various virgin islands), england, scotland, portugal, majorca, holland, france, norway
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? lemonsalt? mmm.. lemonsalt...
(88) Been in love? yes
(89) Done drugs? YES AND IT WAS SO MUCH FU- ok i'm tired of writing that. NO GOD DAMNIT
(90) Gone skinny dipping? whenever i was young and restless
(91) Had a medical emergency? I fractured my scull, partially severed my toe, and sliced open my thumb
(92) Had a surgery? yep, had my adenoids removed
(93) Ran away from home? when i was little i ran away down the road to butler.. a whole two blocks, wow
(94) Played strip poker? i dont know how to play poker....
(95) Gotten beaten up? i used to fight frequently, but i won most of my fights, so probably not
(96) Beaten someone up? not in the really mean sense.. given them something to remember, yes
(97) Been picked on? oh hellz yea. 'you talk funny'
(98) Been on stage? indeed
(99) Opened a package? i'm afraid to answer this in case it has some sick double-meaning
(100) Slept outdoors? indeed
(101) Thought about suicide? yea
(102) Pulled an all-nighter? haha! for my junior theme, none the less...
(103) If yes, how many days? just one night.
(104) Gone one day without food? i'd DIE
(105) Talked on the phone all night? not all night.. but a very long time yes
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without having sex? yes
(107) Slept all day? urgghhh i'd be driven to shower by feeling so unclean
(108) Killed someone? but of course!!
(109) Made out with a stranger? ew
(110) Had sex with a stranger? YES AND GETTING HERPES WAS SO MUCH FUN ....no
(111) Thought you're going crazy? i'm alrady crazy sweetheart
(112) Kissed the same sex? no
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex? nope
(114) Been betrayed? in small little ways, but not majorly
(115) Had a dream that came true? i have deja vu a hella lot
(116) Broken the law? indeed
(117) Met a famous person? alan shearer! yey!
(120) Have you ever killed an animal by accident? i had pets that died when i was little.. like fish, and a hissing cockroach.. (yes, i had a pet madagascar hissing cockroach)
(121) On purpose? insects for my bug collection
(145) Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? only in the protection of people's safety
(146) Stolen anything? yes.. my nanny told me to. no.. seriously...
(147) Been on radio/tv? in the newspaper count? --- and yes you have frank.. HB was on UTA radio online DUH
(148) Been in a mosh-pit? makes me think of mushy peas
(149) Had a nervous breakdown? yes
(150) Considered religious vocation? i'm far too bad an example
(152) Bungee jumped? i'd like to but i'm afraid i'd dislocate my hips...
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back? yerp

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